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This is an open invitation for those who have been a victim of gun violence. Don’t let your voice be silenced, you can now share your story #StoriesUntold pic.twitter.com/dVn99eyJ85
— Stories Untold US (@StoriesUntoldUS) April 2, 2018
Amalia Lomicky, sophomore at MSD, was in room 1254 during the shooting. She saw multiple lifeless bodies as she evacuated the school. This is her story untold. #StoriesUntold #NeverAgain pic.twitter.com/okOZbRCTCY
— Stories Untold US (@StoriesUntoldUS) April 13, 2018
— Stories Untold US (@StoriesUntoldUS) May 9, 2018
Eden Hebron, freshmen at Marjory Stoneman Douglas, was in the room 1216 during the shooting on February 14th. Her story deserves to be heard. #StoriesUntold pic.twitter.com/FBu6Ltcinq
— Stories Untold US (@StoriesUntoldUS) June 11, 2018
Omar Delgado, a first responder at the Pulse Nightclub massacre, saw the unimaginable. He shares his story through his invisible scars and tells us how he has moved forward since. #PulseUntold #StoriesUntold pic.twitter.com/MNILbWEnAp
April 20, 1999.
— Stories Untold US (@StoriesUntoldUS) August 1, 2018
Columbine High School students went through a nightmare, and 13 students did not make it home due to a cruel act of gun violence.
For a lot of the shooting survivors, PTSD came from the media, but many of them were willing to give words of hope for #RebelsUntold pic.twitter.com/zDUnsITizD
ANTHONY BORGES. After 6 weeks, the young hero is still recovering from 5 gun shot wounds, but is finally home. An exclusive video will come out after his lung injury fully recovers. We thank him for his courage, please donate down below! #StoriesUntold pic.twitter.com/kbtM7DGlXP
— Stories Untold US (@StoriesUntoldUS) April 4, 2018
A huge thank you to the community of Littleton for giving us the opportunity to honor Columbine. Please take this time to remember the 13 who passed away 19 years ago. #RebelStrong pic.twitter.com/yuow9Kg2VU
— Stories Untold US (@StoriesUntoldUS) April 20, 2018
— Stories Untold US (@StoriesUntoldUS) May 25, 2018
Sid Fischer, junior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas, was in room 1214 during the shooting.
Nicholas Dworet, Helena Ramsay, and Luke Hoyer are three individuals he had to leave behind. Let’s not forget the 17 lives that were lost on Valentine’s Day at MSD. #StoriesUntold pic.twitter.com/n5qQfcQQfO
Two years ago today, there was a shooting at Pulse nightclub that resulted in 49 lives being taken away. With the power of our voices, we will keep their spirits alive and never forgotten. Thank you Pulse, for welcoming us with open arms. #PulseUntold #StoriesUntold pic.twitter.com/fD9fiojy5A
— Stories Untold US (@StoriesUntoldUS) June 13, 2018
Your voice deserves to be heard,
— Stories Untold US (@StoriesUntoldUS) September 25, 2018
Make sure to vote on November 6th for those who are no longer with us ... their voice deserves to be heard too✊#Whatif #StoriesUntold #MarchForOurLives #NationalVoterRegistrationDay @cswaggyway @darianw777 pic.twitter.com/FXAqGv7DWw
— Stories Untold US (@StoriesUntoldUS) April 11, 2018
Ivanna Paitan, junior at MSD, was in room 1213 during the shooting. This is her story untold. #StoriesUntold pic.twitter.com/MPB3z7VZVj
Last week we honored the 13 lives lost in the Columbine shooting by doing community service.
— Stories Untold US (@StoriesUntoldUS) April 27, 2018
Douglas and Columbine Students came together to clean homeless shelters.
We are stronger united.#StoriesUntold #WeAreChange pic.twitter.com/HExU4uvg3f
June 12, 2016.
— Stories Untold US (@StoriesUntoldUS) June 11, 2018
Pulse Nightclub endured pain no one should experience. We want to strengthen the voices of those affected, to honor those who have fallen, and to spread awareness on the tragedies that continue to happen in our country. Today, we launch #PulseUntold pic.twitter.com/17ISkXnI0d
— Stories Untold US (@StoriesUntoldUS) June 14, 2018
Kennon Carter, a Pulse survivor, using his voice to share his story. A story where he lost his friend, Antonio Brown, along with 48 more people that night. He said “it was suppose to be a night of fun”, but that night ended with an act of senseless gun violence. #PulseUntold pic.twitter.com/BbXi0eyFxD
Kristi Petri, Columbine Survivor, shares how she has healed since the shooting at her school and her thoughts on gun violence.
— Stories Untold US (@StoriesUntoldUS) September 17, 2018
Thank you Kristi for allowing us to amplify you voice ❤️ #StoriesUntold #RebelStrong
Message us if you’d like to share your story! pic.twitter.com/MvHQcll7sP