How to Help the Environment in Simple Ways

By: Sydney Kerr and Kaitlyn Herdé

For Earth Day 2021, we decided to ask our team here at Stories Untold US how they promote good habits in their everyday life to help the Earth. These all may be small steps and seem insignificant, but they can make a large impact on our environment. Making these small changes in your life can help reduce one’s carbon footprint and negative impact on Mother Nature.

Aimar(she/her): Head of Journalism

Everyday is a step forward towards building a more sustainable future and rectifying the damage done to our environment. I try to minimize my use of non-renewable resources from the time spent on my phone to where I shop.

Isa M.(she/her): Social Media and Content Creator

I always make sure to recycle! It is the simplest way you can help our environment, and it makes a big difference in your ecosystem!

Kaitlyn(she/her): Journalism

I use a Hydro Flask and a Brita water filter that I fill with tap water instead of plastic water bottles. I always break down boxes, bottles, cans so they can easily be recycled, and I keep arts and crafts to reuse for school projects. For my clothes, I always try to find a new home for them since so many clothes end up in landfills; I give clothes to my friends, sell on Depop, or give clothes that I can't sell or give away to the company ForDays, so they can reuse them. When you order a “take back” bag, you get a coupon for the website, too!

Sydney(she/her): Head of Content Creators and Web Management

To promote good environmental habits, I like to limit my waste as much as possible by using reusable utensils and plate ware. I love using reusable straws and water bottles in order to limit my plastic usage. When I go grocery shopping, I make sure to bring reusable bags, too. Limiting our waste in these small ways can make a huge difference!

Alex(she/her): Content Creator and Communications

I try to stay conscious of what I am consuming and the waste it produces, trying to minimize the amount of waste that I create. 

Isa S.(she/her): Head of Communications

I eat a plant based diet. 

Carlitos(he/him): Founder and CEO

I am a singer and a cool way I help the environment is by using metallic and bamboo straws for my vocal exercises!
Barbara(she/her): Social Media and Content Creator

I recycle and pick up after myself, making sure not to litter. 

Reagan(she/her): Journalism

One way that I help the environment is through recycling and conserving water.

Jose(he/him); Head of Creative Direction

I use a reusable water bottle! I remember wasting so many plastic bottles, using up to 6 plastic water bottles a day. Then, I started to understand my negative impact on the environment, and to this day I do my best to minimize my carbon footprint on the Earth! Also, I like to be more aware of recycling and letting others know how we can reduce our carbon footprint!

We hope that our responses have inspired you to continue or start to make these changes in your everyday life. Another important way in creating change for our planet is to share with others how they too can help. You can do this by sharing this article, sharing environmental posts on social media, calling your legislators demanding more environmental legislation and sharing with your community how you plan to make a difference. Happy Earth Day!