Grateful for: Family

By: Isa Mariduena

2020 has shown me how grateful I am for my family. We have stayed happy and healthy this year. I'm thankful no one in my immediate family has gotten Covid. My parents have been trying to make this year the best it could be for us and have been very supportive. We’ve spent so much extra time together this year, that we definitely wouldn't have if it were a normal year. Because of that I became a lot closer with my younger sister. We’ve both matured and enjoyed each other's company a lot more. I'm glad I was able to connect with her this past year. We love to make TikToks together, make inside jokes, and dance in the studio in the garage. My older sister and I love to text and FaceTime, always sharing funny, exciting, interesting stories with each other. I'm happy I got to spend time with my older sister this summer. Our family traditions have changed but we made the most out of it. We still enjoy ourselves, because as long as we're together we know how to make it an enjoyable time for all of us. I’m really glad I have a family that teaches and shows me cool things. I know so many families that don't spend much time bonding with each other, so I’m grateful I have a family I can do so many things with. I've learned not to take my family for granted, and to not take time for granted. My family was the reason I was able to stay healthy, and laugh this year. I’ve become more appreciative for them than ever before. We all know what's right for each other and we have all become closer in 2020.